Life Updates and Coaching Future Plans

If my clients are getting half as much out of coaching as I am, all is good. Every so often we get to answer a call that fits like a glove. That’s what coaching feels like for me. It’s that glove that allows me to follow the Spirit’s lead while using my ministry,...
The Last Word

The Last Word

While “the last word” can describe a pushy eagerness to be the first and last to express an opinion, it can also be a message for another’s good, to communicate love. Sadly, the first example can be heard around us everywhere, physically and virtually. Wyndham’s last...

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Eggs

My hanging geranium plant has a guest.  A mama bird made a nest, moved in and laid five eggs.  The plant hangs on my front porch, and the anxious mama bird stays busy darting back and forth between an overhanging utility wire and her nest.  She flies back and forth...

Entering the “Quiet Wilderness”

Have you ever searched for….. that still, quiet place of utter bliss? That place where you can gather your thoughts and  focus on what is most important, rather than all that is urgent?  That place where you can commune with your creator and leave refreshed and full...

Find Snappy

Snappy, though seemingly nowhere to be found, has become a celebrity of sorts throughout the suburbs of Boston.  She has her own Facebook page with over 2,000 followers.  Snappy is a four year old weimeraner (large grey dog.)   Her whereabouts are unknown since the...