Shaken to the Core

Shaken to the Core

It was the summer of 1973, 3:00 am according to the clock on my bookshelf headboard. I awoke to the smell of a cigarette, a man’s voice, and the feel of pressure on my back. The man spoke, “Don’t scream. I have a knife.” For the next hour, I was shaken to the core,...

Grateful, Courageous, and Cheerful

I see through new lenses these days. No, I didn’t get new glasses. I have a new way of life. One that still consists of the family I treasure and work that I love—ministering to people. But one which now includes numerous therapies, doctors’ appointments, calculated...
From the lips of children…

From the lips of children…

Having finished our picnic this afternoon, my daughters and I were enjoying time together as we admired the beauty of the northern Atlantic.  The water sparkled like diamonds and the sun’s rays made the cool breeze feel like a kiss on the cheek.  (To be honest, the...

Coming Soon

Where does time go?  It seems I’ve not visited this site in a while.   After spending the last week in Kiev, Ukraine and Munich, Germany and meeting with numerous people and doing elder/elder’s wife training classes, it’s good to be home. However,  I left those cities...