Coffee Shop Treasures

Coffee Shop Treasures

I’m part of a coffee shop sip club where I pay a small monthly fee for unlimited daily coffee. I can walk to this local coffee shop, and I rarely miss a day. Since I love a large, iced coffee and a refill (decaf refill), I could easily spend in one day what I spend in...

Life Updates and Coaching Future Plans

If my clients are getting half as much out of coaching as I am, all is good. Every so often we get to answer a call that fits like a glove. That’s what coaching feels like for me. It’s that glove that allows me to follow the Spirit’s lead while using my ministry,...

The Red “X”

For days now – months actually, I’ve driven by these two trees.  I always notice them, as each one displays a big red “X” on its trunk.  I’ve wondered if the markings were graffiti, or if the trees were diseased and needed treatment, or if they were perhaps...

Excuse Me, There’s a Turkey at Your Door!

On the way home from lunch today I noticed a visitor at my neighbor’s front door.   He was patiently waiting, looking as though he had just rung the doorbell while waiting to be invited in.  The strange thing about this scene was that the visitor was a turkey.  Yes, a...

Clarence’s Shoebox

Today, during our staff meeting, we had an opportunity to share our appreciation for a dear sister, Laura Webster.  It was Laura’s birthday….and a big one.  An elder’s wife, she is a beautiful woman, inside and out.  As her strong and burly husband, Clarence, shared...