A Love-Hate Thing

A Love-Hate Thing

I love “Papa’s bench,” the memorial bench I purchased that was placed at the reservoir five minutes from my house. I often walk and pray around the two-mile perimeter surrounding the lake while Denver frolics and fetches sticks from the water. I chose a...
Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 59

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 59

Wisdom Doesn’t Know What to Do Wisdom means we always know what to do, right? I don’t think so. In fact, wisdom knows that we often face circumstances and situations when we have no idea what to do. That’s why wisdom prays. In 2 Chronicles 20, the men, women,...

Grateful, Courageous, and Cheerful

I see through new lenses these days. No, I didn’t get new glasses. I have a new way of life. One that still consists of the family I treasure and work that I love—ministering to people. But one which now includes numerous therapies, doctors’ appointments, calculated...
“Every Day is a New Chance”

“Every Day is a New Chance”

He’s an “old soul” at six years old. I’m often taken aback by conversations with my grandson. On the playground, he might be found playing ball with his friends,or asking his teacher how her day is going and if teaching makes her happy. That’s just the way he...