Wisdom Trusts
Jacob: You know Dad, I could lift you much easier if you would let go of the bar.
Wyndham: Sorry, I keep forgetting to let go.
Jacob: Dad, you can let go. I will never, ever drop you.
They laugh. I turn my head to hide the mist forming in my eyes.

The guys were kind enough to humor me with a picture.
“I will never, ever drop you.”
A tender moment. A big lesson. A profound expression of love and trust.
It takes trust, a whole lot of it, to let go of control—in transfers, and in life. The transferee (Wyndham) has absolutely no control over these moves, and is at the mercy of those transferring him.
The three of us—Wyndham, Jacob, and I meet for “transfer tasks” several times a day. I can no longer accomplish these by myself, so Jacob has arranged his schedule to be available to help us. He is exceptionally strong. We work together any time Wyndham must get from his bed or chair to anywhere else. Wyndham assists as much as he can, pulling himself forward to be lifted while holding on to a grab bar. Jacob can lift him completely, but finds it quite difficult if Wyndham forgets to let go of the grab bar.
Such is life—and trust in God.
Life these days hasn’t gone as planned—or hoped. Trust takes on new meanings—believing God loves us when our prayers aren’t answered the ways we hope. Learning to trust through adversity stretches our faith and deepens our hope. The scripture expresses this well:
(Romans 5:3-6)
3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;
4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ …
I hold on to this Scripture. Hope will never disappoint us. Because God has poured out his love.
And…when we are powerless….Christ!
When we realize we are powerless, God takes over as if saying—”son, daughter…I will never drop you.”
13 For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)
I watch with deep respect as I see Wyndham’s wisdom decide to trust…and let go. He has had to let go of all that was normal and daily for him. In all of this his trust grows. His trust inspires my trust.
When life doesn’t go as planned, and difficulties happen—will you let go of the bar?
When life is going well–will you let go of the bar?
Our grasp for control makes it difficult for God to carry us. He won’t force us. We have to let go. Often this is a struggle, as we learn from the psalms:
2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?
3 Look on me and answer, O LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;
4 my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
5 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
6 I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me (Psalm 13:2-6,emphasis added).
When we were powerless…Christ.
God is big enough, strong enough, and loving enough to hold us, no matter what.
He tells us, “I will never, ever drop you.”
Wisdom trusts.
I could fill a daily blog for years with wisdom I have learned from Wyndham. However, I’ll stick with one day a week. Each Wednesday I will share wisdom gleaned, not just from me, but from our family who saw him day and night and from friends near and far whose lives he has touched.
Many of you have already told me you wish to share wisdom you learned from Wyndham. If you wish to contribute to this collection please email me at [email protected] with the subject line—Wednesday Wisdom. If you wish to receive these blogs in your inbox, feel free to sign up to follow the blog.
I’ll look forward to meeting you here on Wednesdays. And if you would, please remember us in your prayers. It’s a privilege to have you in our lives.
Love, prayers, respect, and gratitude to all of you.
Thanks, Jennifer. Love you.
Well now I am a mess and it’s barely 8 am. This is beautiful, thank you. Sharing.
xoxo >
Love you.
Makes me sad but happy to picture that strong young man lifting that “strong” older one.
Sent from my iPhone
Love you, Kitty.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I am also inspired by Wyndham’s trust and convicted to fall deeper into God’s love for me.
Thank you so much.
I look forward to these lessons every Wednesday. Thank you for sharing Wyndham and your life with us….
In my prayers …Jersey sis.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Jeanie for sharing how you apply God’s Word to the daily struggles you and your family are going through as you experience the decline of your husband’s physical abilities. The verses you share have reminded me today that God is always with us in our deepest pain.
Thanks, Diane. Thank you as well for sharing your journey. Sending love.
Thank you for chronicling these many lessons you guys are learning. They’re very impactful to my soul in new ways due to the season of life I’m currently in. May God continue to use you, Wyndham, & your family for His glory so men may see Him through you.
Thank you so much. Means a lot.
Flat Out AMAZING testimony! We all need to trust God and Jesus. Me too
Thanks so much, Martin.
Wow! So deep and profound. Thank you for sharing! We respect and admire your amazing trust and faith.
Thanks so much, Cynthia.
I am thankful that Wyndham and you never stop teaching us. Psalm 13 was my lifeline more times than I can count. Love you both!
We love you. You were/are a great example for us.
Trust is indeed difficult to grasp when things are going badly. I admire both you and Wyndham for sharing with all of us how to hold onto God to let go of control. Thank you.