Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 62

Wisdom Values the Dinner Table

Amazing connections happen at the dinner table, but only if we actually sit and talk at the table. Has the “art of the dinner table” been lost?

Wisdom values the dinner table. Or rather, what can happen around the table.

What happens at the dinner table? Unfortunately the atmosphere can too often include screens, complaining, anger, and a downright mess. But dinner tables done right build family, connect with others, create precious memories, and prayerfully  help the “diners” see God  in action, resulting in a desire to grow in relationship with him.

Our family, for many decades, has taken a week in the summer for family vacation. Since Wyndham can’t travel anymore, we did a “staycation” this week. It was fabulous, meaningful, and fun. We played, prayed, swam, did crazy Olympics, played tennis, corn hole, and gathered often around the dinner table. The crazy antics brought laughter and tears to Wyndham, as he watched. 

Jesus was a firm believer in sharing meals. In fact, Matthew 11:19 tells us that Jesus came eating and drinking.  He valued shared meals and realized the impact they have on all involved. He ate with sinners (Matthew 9:9-11), and invites us all to his feast (Matthew 22:4). He shared dinner with close friends (John 12:2), and in Luke 14  used the dinner table to teach valuable lessons.

Tonight, as our family of 17 gathered around the dinner table I asked the question…What happens at the dinner table? Here are some of their responses (both kids and adults):

We talk about the highs and lows of our days.

We celebrate birthdays and victories or encourage someone who is discouraged.

We laugh.

We listen to each other and find out how everyone is doing.

We encourage each other.

We talk about our schedules.

Sometimes we throw food (spoken for the 18-month-old).:

We have friends over to build relationships.

We meet new people.

We try new foods.

We pray.

Wyndham has always valued and protected our dinner table. Over the years we have built family around the dinner table. We’ve explored emotions. Laughed. Cried. Shared fears. Shared victories. Shared defeats. Truthfully, every mealtime wasn’t just like this. Sometimes they were hurried, sometimes someone was in a mood, or was distracted—but the sum of the times around the table added up to feelings of love, warmth, and family that linger with us.

Our dinner table has also seated many a neighbor or acquaintance, who often shared they had never before been invited to dinner with a neighbor. Many Bible studies began at the dinner table, resulting in changed lives.

Wanderers from the faith (mainly because of Wyndham’s persistent desire to see hearts restored to God) have felt loved, welcomed, and safe around the dinner table. I can think of numerous men and women who were helped back to God because of his commitment to use Monday evenings to have dinner with some who had wandered from their faith.

Something happens around the table as we connect with one other. The senses of taste, sound, smell, and sight somehow morph together to imprint our hearts, leaving us with a feeling of  love and belonging—family. Jesus knew this, and realized that sharing meals together would reveal hearts, melt hearts, and capture memories. He shared many such meals with his closest friends as well as strangers and sinners. These meals helped them never forget his love and call. We still remember him together through communion…which by definition is not an individual or solo activity.

Wisdom knows that the dinner table is powerful. It doesn’t have to be pretty to “do its thing.” But it must be filled with love.

May we all create such dinner tables as we follow Jesus’ example.






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  1. FaithAbleAngel(a)

    Jeanie thank you for this great reminder. I find as the girls get older it is more difficult to get everyone around the dinner table. However we strive to do it at least twice a week. When we do it we play pit and peak. A game my sister introduced into our family years ago. It is sometimes silly things: pit-having to eat a cucumber, sometimes touching: peak-thinking of being an angel in heaven (spoken from my medically fragile daughter), but it is always informative. It is a great help to be reminded that Jesus used meals for outreach and encouragement!

    • jeanieshaw

      Thanks for the encouragement, and so glad you are using the dinner table! Love, Jeanie

  2. Helen Lenahen

    Jeannie-I enjoy following your family on this journey And pray continually for God to fill you with His Power to be able to do what you are doing, in the Spirit of Philippians 4:13! Be sure someone is “taking care of the caretaker”!

    I am so sorry for your loss of your dearest and best friend, Gloria. I had not seen her video before now, thank you for posting that. Her extraordinary faithfulness always has been but even more so will be a visual for me for my lifetime!

    On a side and lighter note, the question begs to be Asked: “where did you find your keys?” 😳



    • jeanieshaw

      Helen, So great to hear from you. Thank you for the encouragement and for reaching out. Thank you so, so much for your prayers. His Spirit keeps me going. Thanks for your words. And….believe it or not I found my keys behind the ice maker in the freezer. Had taken the bin out to fix it and now I know the bin has a hook on the back. Evidently, when on the kitchen island my keys got hooked from the top of my purse and when I put the bin back …in went the keys. Couldn’t do that again if I tried! Sending much love. Jeanie

  3. Bonnye

    I will always remember my time eating at the Whitehead dinner table. It was always so special to be at your house. 😍

  4. Diana Miller

    I am truly touched by this story and family. Thank you for sharing about the life of Jesus at the table. I will incorporate friends, family, neighbors and the weak at our dinner table.

    • jeanieshaw

      Thanks, Diana…and you (and they) will be blessed by this!

  5. Lance Lucas

    Reminds me of times with my family growing up… miss those days. Thanks for sharing!


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About Jeanie Shaw

After retiring from forty-five years in full-time ministry, Jeanie Shaw went back to school to earn her master’s and doctorate in spiritual formation and discipleship. She also serves as a certified Christian life coach who loves helping people discover the joy, peace, and purpose that come from finding and following God’s plan for their lives. She has taught classes and workshops all over the world and has written numerous books. She has four grown children, eight grandchildren, and a golden retriever who thinks he is human. When she is not reading, writing, coaching, teaching, or enjoying her family she might be found walking along rivers, learning new lessons about life.

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