Which Letter is Yours?

In the spirit of Thanksgiving…. Whenever I read the short book of Philippians, I am struck by the apostle Paul’s gratitude and corresponding joy.  Whether or not you celebrate a particular day of Thanksgiving, take the time this week to read the short book of...

The Power of a Sneeze

It’s that time of year.  My entire family has spread the coughing, sneezing, hacking stuff.  I’m in the midst of it, and with a workshop tomorrow I’m trying hard to get over it in order to keep from sounding like a hoarse horse when I speak. Thankfully, I’m...

Who’s the Boss?

Recounting a recent conversation between my daughter and my nearly three-year-old granddaughter, I was reminded of the struggle it can be to let go of control in our lives.  (Disclaimer:  Gracie is as joyful and sweet as they come…but the inner struggle occasionally...

Sunsets and Elephant Poop

Sunsets showcase God’s magnificence…and so does elephant poop.  Yes, that’s right–elephant poop. This week, while at a meeting outside of Geneva, I stood in awe of God the painter–as I watched the sun go down over Lake Geneva.  The scene...

A Work in Progress

For nine consecutive mornings, while attending a church leadership conference in Singapore, I opened the hotel window curtain to an inspiring view.  It wasn’t a view of the bustling harbor below or of the beautiful orchids carefully planted throughout the city.  This...