May I Hold Your Emotions?

If you look carefully inside my hands you may see my oldest grandson’s emotions! I met my daughter Melissa at the mall yesterday during lunch time in order to help her with the kids.  They were scheduled to have their pictures taken.  We played a bit while waiting for...

A Song of Encouragement

Ever go to encourage someone and then discover that you have received  much more encouragement than you have given?  Last night was one of those nights.  I went “back to school” for a lesson in encouragement.  Before dinner my friend, Deidre, sent me a...

Sippy Cups – Simplicity

Every so often these writings will center around children – both teaching them and being taught by them.  Today I was taught.  This morning I took my prayer walk with my 18 month old grandson. He listened attentively, while occasionally turning around to ask the...


I’ve always admired those close up pictures of butterflies that “some people” are able to capture.  Well, yesterday was my day.  While on a prayer walk  I spied this beautiful creature enjoying some sweet nectar.  Butterflies always remind me of the...

A Century Ride or a 25 Minute Ride?

A few days ago while on facebook I noticed that my friend Erica had completed a century bike ride in Colorado.   A century ride goes for at least 100 miles.  This particular ride went through four mountain passes. This was particularly inspiring to me since she has...